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P. S. I Love You

P. S. I Love You PS, 我愛妳
  • 作者:Ahern, Cecelia
  • 出版社:Hyperion Books
  • 出版日期:2005年12月01日
  • 語言:英文 ISBN:0786890932
  • 裝訂:平裝
  • 美金:7.99
  • 定價:280 優惠價:79221
  • 優惠期限:2013 年 07 月 10 日止


博客來外文館>P. S. I Love You博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=F010657861



  如果你被《西雅圖夜未眠》深深感動過,如果你看《鐵達尼號》不只一次,如果你對《第六感生死戀》的山姆難以忘懷,那麼《PS, 我愛你》會是你等待已久的愛情故事。


  荷莉三十歲生日前夕,突然收到傑瑞生前留給她的十封信,而且每封信信末都附註:「PS, 我愛妳」。每個月都有一封信幫助荷莉去過生活─從克服恐懼上台唱歌到買盞小燈,最後荷莉出發遠行,藉此忘情療傷,也找到讓這份愛繼續的方式。

  ★本書中譯本《PS, 我愛妳》由時報出版

  A wonderfully warm and heartfelt debut from a stunning new talent. Everyone needs a guardian angel...Some people wait their whole lives to find their soul mates. But not Holly and Gerry. Childhood sweethearts, they could finish each other』s sentences and even when they fought, they laughed. No one could imagine Holly and Gerry without each other. Until the unthinkable happens. Gerry』s death devastates Holly. But as her 30th birthday looms, Gerry comes back to her. He』s left her a bundle of notes, one for each of the months after his death, gently guiding Holly into her new life without him, each note signed 』PS, I Love You』. As the notes are gradually opened, and as the year unfolds, Holly is both cheered up and challenged. The man who knows her better than anyone sets out to teach her that life goes on. With some help from her friends, and her noisy and loving family, Holly finds herself laughing, crying, singing, dancing -- and being braver than ever before. Life is for living, she realizes -- but it always helps if there』s an angel watching over you.


西西莉雅.艾亨(Cecelia Ahern)

   擁有新聞與媒體研究學位,隨後開始自己的創作生涯。21歲時,她寫下第一本小說:《PS, 我愛妳》,此書暢銷40個國家,成為2004年最暢銷的新人小說,同時高踞愛爾蘭和英國《週日泰晤士報》暢銷書榜的第一名,在歐洲和美國也很受歡迎,並且在德國暢銷書榜盤桓達一年以上。西西莉雅並且因為這本書而獲得2004/5英國書獎的最佳新人獎提名。另外,她也是一齣喜劇節目的製作人,這部描述車禍餘生的女性如何重新發現自己的電視節目,每週一晚上9:30會在英國ABC電視台上播出。








  • 1.美味的床邊故事(上下2冊,不分售)
  • 2.頑皮魔法
  • 3.友情慕斯的魔力
  • 4.深度閱讀測驗
  • 5.手指創造幸福
  • 6.防止老化的力量
  • 7.認識泌尿科
  • 8.召喚美女軍團 1 戰神家族
  • 9.活色生梟 3 爭風相對
  • 10.最終智能 21 大開殺戒

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      創作者 張家靖脂上迢憶眠 的頭像
